上海罗斯蒙特仪表股份有限公司集科技、工业、贸易、信息多种产业为一体,以自动化仪器仪表,自动化控制系统,仪表配件,成套装置等科技产品为主导行业,其产品已含盖50多种系列,200多种产品。  上海罗斯蒙特仪表股份有限公司拥有20多家控股企业、3家合资企业、120家专业协作企业,在中国设立多家销售公司和特约经销商,产品畅销数十个国家和地区;已经形成了以自动化仪器仪表为主导产业,业务范围涉及压力、差压、温度变送器、流量仪表、集散控制系统、PLC系统、执行机构的调节阀、阀门、仪表设备及配件、成套装置等系列。  随着企业的快速发展,获得了较好的企业发展成功之道,被上海认证为高新技术产品,上海仪器仪表协会会员,取得了《中华人民共和国制造计量器具许可证》、《国家仪器仪表防爆检测站》、《上海市质量技术监督局计量合格确认》、《欧盟CE产品认证》。  公司确立“与人才同呼吸,与科技共命运”的经营发展理念,拥有先进的技术装备和一流的制造技术。在硬件上,先后购置具有国内外先进水平的加工生产线及检测设备,并进一步扩大生产规模,于2004年迁入上海松江高新技术园区,一期厂区占地面积5300平方米,建筑面积6700平方米,二期厂区将于2008年投入现代化数字工厂,届时,建筑面积将达到4万平方米。同时,积极吸纳优秀人才,现有员工总数400多人,其中大专学历以上的占30%,拥有高级以上职称的达23人,中级以上职称35人,研究设计人员28人,行政管理人员78人,为企业的发展奠定了坚实的基石。  公司视产品质量为生命,通过美国AQA公司ISO9001质量体系管理认证,企业实行标准化、定量化、制度化、规范化的管理。公司严格的工艺管理、完善的质保体系和高效的管理体制为产品质量提供了可靠的保障。我们以优良的产品品质和优异的服务质量,赢得各地用户的青睐,产品已广泛应用于各地,发上海石化、扬子石化齐鲁石化、南京金陵石化、胜利石化、大庆油田、上海宝钢集团及山东、江西、重庆、去南、河北、甘肃、广西等工程项目。  致力于创建国际大都市——上海罗斯蒙特品牌,以一流的产品、一流的服务、一流的信誉,热忱与各界朋友竭诚合作,我们将不断努力进取以更高新的产品和更完善的服务回报社会的支持。                      上海罗斯蒙特仪表股份有限公司             Enterprise’s Overview  Shanghai Rosement Instrumentation Limited Company is special company to incorporate science and technology, industry, trade, many kinds of industries of information into an organic whole, scientific and technological product take the trade as the leading factor with automatic instrument and apparatus, automatic control system, instrument fittings, complete sets of device, etc., product its cover 50 more than series already, more than 200 product. Shanghai Rosement Instrumentation Limited Company cover with special instrument Limited Company have 20 more than holding enterprise, 3 joint venture, 120 special cooperate in enterprises, set up many selling companies and special distributor in China, the products sell well in several dozen countries and regions; Have already taken shape and taken automatic instrument and apparatus as the leading industry, the business scope involves the pressure, difference is pressed, series such as temperature changer, flow instrument, collecting and distributing control system, PLC system, regulating valve of the executive body, valve, apparatus of the instrument and the fittings, complete sets of device, etc.. With fast development of enterprise, obtain enterprise way to success of developing, authentication a new high-tech product Shanghai, member of instrument and apparatus association of Shanghai, have got " the People’s Republic of China makes measuring apparatus licences ","national anti-blast measuring station of instrument and apparatus ", " it is qualified to confirm that Shanghai Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision measures "," European Union CE products authentication".  The company establishes the idea of development of management of " breathes with talents together, with the destiny altogether of science and technology ", have advanced technical equipment and first-class manufacturing technology. On the hardware, successively purchased the processing production line with domestic and international advanced level and checkout equipment, and further expanded the production scale, moved into the new and high technology garden of Songjiang of Shanghai in 2004, the first stage of factory covers an area of 5300 square meters, with a construction area of 6700 square meters, will put into the modernized digital factory in 2008 in the second stage of factory, when the time comes, the floor area will reach 40,000 square meters. Meanwhile, absorb outstanding talents actively, there are more than 400 people of staff’s total number now, among them the above education of junior college account for 30, have reaching 23 people of the above advanced professional title, the intermediate, the above professional title, is 35 people, study 28 designers, administration staff is 78, has established the solid foundation stone for the development of enterprises. The company regards product quality as the life, manage authentication through U.S.A. AQA Company ISO9001 quality system, enterprises implement standardized, quantitative melting, institutionalized, standardized management. Quality assurance system and high-efficient management system managed, improved in company’s strict craft have offered the reliable guarantee for product quality. We gain regional users’ favor with fine products quality and excellent service quality, the products have already been applied to all parts extensively, has sent a petrochemical industry to Shanghai, raised Shi Nanjing petrochemical industry, victory petrochemical industry, Daqing oil field, Shanghai Baoshan Iron and Steel Group and Shandong, Jiangxi, Chongqing, go the south, Hebei, Gansu, Guangxi project.  Devoted to establishing the international metropolis --Shanghai Rosement is indebted to the special brand, with first-class products, first-class service, first-class prestige, cooperating with the friends from all walks of life wholeheartedly heartily, we will make great efforts to keep forging ahead and reciprocate the support of the society with more high-new products and more complete service cons.                       Shanghai Rosement Ins                     trumentation Limited Company  · Shanghai Rosement Instrumentation Limited Company is special company to incorporate science and technology, industry, trade, many kinds of industries of information into an organic whole, scientific and technological product take the trade as the leading factor with automatic instrument and apparatus, automatic control system, instrument fittings, complete sets of device, etc., product its cover 50 more than series already, more than 200 product.   · Shanghai Rosement Instrumentation Limited Company cover with special instrument Limited Company have 20 more than holding enterprise, 3 joint venture, 120 special cooperate in enterprises, set up many selling companies and special distributor in China, the products sell well in several dozen countries and regions; Have already taken shape and taken automatic instrument and apparatus as the leading industry, the business scope involves the pressure, difference is pressed, series such as temperature changer, flow instrument, collecting and distributing control system, PLC system, regulating valve of the executive body, valve, apparatus of the instrument and the fittings, complete sets of device, etc..  · With fast development of enterprise, obtain enterprise way to success of developing, authentication a new high-tech product Shanghai, member of instrument and apparatus association of Shanghai, have got “ The People’s Republic of China Measuring Apparatus Licences ”,“National Anti-blast Measuring Instrument and Apparatus ”, “ Shanghai Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision Measures ”, “ European Union CE Product’s Authentication”。  The company establishes the idea of development of management of " breathes with talents together, with the destiny altogether of science and technology ", have advanced technical equipment and first-class manufacturing technology. On the hardware, successively purchased the processing production line with domestic and international advanced level and checkout equipment, and further expanded the production scale, moved into the new and high technology garden of Songjiang of Shanghai in 2004, the first stage of factory covers an area of 5300 square meters, with a construction area of 6700 square meters, will put into the modernized digital factory in 2008 in the second stage of factory, when the time comes, the floor area will reach 40,000 square meters. Meanwhile, absorb outstanding talents actively, there are more than 400 people of staff’s total number now, among them the above education of junior college account for 30, have reaching 23 people of the above advanced professional title, the intermediate, the above professional title, is 35 people, study 28 designers, administration staff is 78, has established the solid foundation stone for the development of enterprises.   · The company regards product quality as the life, manage authentication through U.S.A. AQA Company ISO9001 quality system, enterprises implement standardized, quantitative melting, institutionalized, standardized management. Quality assurance system and high-efficient management system managed, improved in company’s strict craft have offered the reliable guarantee for product quality. We gain regional users’ favor with fine products quality and excellent service quality, the products have already been applied to all parts extensively, has sent a petrochemical industry to Shanghai, raised Shi Nanjing petrochemical industry, victory petrochemical industry, Daqing oil field, Shanghai Baoshan Iron and Steel Group and Shandong, Jiangxi, Chongqing, go the south, Hebei, Gansu, Guangxi project.  · Devoted to establishing the international metropolis --Shanghai Rosement is indebted to the special brand, with first-class products, first-class service, first-class prestige, cooperating with the friends from all walks of life wholeheartedly heartily, we will make great efforts to keep forging ahead and reciprocate the support of the society with more high-new products and more complete service cons.