【ZiDongHua 之驾驶自动化收录关键词:云驰未来 自动驾驶 人工智能 网络安全】
  Serbian University Delegation Paid a “Fruitful” Exchange Visit in INCHTEK and Beijing High-level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone
  8月6日,塞尔维亚克拉古耶瓦茨大学(University of Kragujevac)代表团一行,在Milosevic教授院长的带领下,圆满完成了对北京云驰未来科技有限公司(以下简称“云驰未来”)及北京市高级别自动驾驶示范区(以下简称“示范区”)的访问与交流活动。
  On August 6th, a delegation from the University of Kragujevac, Serbia, led by Dean Professor Milosevic paid a “fruitful” exchange visit in Beijing Inchtek Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "INCHTEK") and Beijing High-level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone(hereinafter referred to as "the Demonstration Zone").
  访问当天,代表团首先抵达云驰未来。云驰未来创始人兼CEO曾剑隽先生对克拉古耶瓦茨大学代表团的到访表示热烈欢迎。在双方交流中,他详细介绍了云驰未来自成立以来的发展历程、核心技术及创新产品,展现了公司在智能汽车网联和信息安全领域的前沿实力。塞尔维亚克拉古耶瓦茨大学的Danijela Milosevic、Vladimir Mladenovic、Petar Domanovic及Danilo Milosevic教授和学者分享了他们在人工智能、网络安全及无线通信等领域的最新研究成果与项目展示。
  At INCHTEK, the delegation was warmly welcomed by Mr.Zeng Jianjun, Founder and CEO of INCHTEK. During the exchange meeting, Mr.Zeng detailly introduced INCHTEK's development journey since its inception, core technologies, and innovative products, demonstrates the company's cutting-edge capabilities in the fields of intelligent vehicle networking and cybersecurity. Professors Danijela Milosevic, Vladimir Mladenovic, Petar Domanovic and scholars Danilo Milosevic shared their latest research achievements and project from the University of Kragujevac in artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and wireless communications.
  Following the exchange at INCHTEK, Mr.Zeng lead the delegation to proceed to the Beijing High-level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone for a visit.In the exhibition hall, members of the delegation were deeply impressed by a series of advanced autonomous driving technologies and products, followed and stopped to observe and inquire about the details. The delegation members experienced the test rides of autonomous vehicles, gaining a direct understanding of the charm and potential of autonomous driving technology.
  An exchange meeting was held to discuss the construction of the Demonstration Zone and potential projects after the tour. Mr. Xu Hongwei, Executive Deputy Director of the Beijing High-level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone Work Office, elaborated on the latest advancements, application practices, and future development plans in the field of vehicle-road-cloud integration. During the meeting, the three parties engaged in profound discussions and reached a preliminary consensus on potential directions of collaboration.
  This exchange visit not only fostered a deeper understanding between China and Serbia in the fields of autonomous driving, intelligent connected vehicles, and cybersecurity, but also paved the way for further in-depth cooperation. INCHTEK, Beijing High-level Autonomous Driving Demonstration Zone, and the University of Kragujevac all expressed their commitment to strengthening communication and collaboration, jointly promoting the application and innovative practices of vehicle-road-cloud integration.