>> 2012 年度自动化行业最具影响力变频器入围品牌


ACS800变频器 系列传动产品最大的优点就是在全功率范围内统一使用了相同的控制技术,例如启动向导,自定义编程,DTC控制,通用备件,通用的接口技术,以及用于选型、调试和维护的通用软件工具。ACS的核心技术就是直接转矩控制(DTC)。它是目前最先进的交流异步电机的控制方式。ACS350系列变频器FlashDrop--传动设置及调速更加快速、容易,可用于批量制造。 顺序编程--逻辑编程为标配。降低了对外部PLC的要求。 软件--高技术、高性能,高灵活性。用户接口--可不用控制盘以节省成本。根据功能需要,也可提供不同的控制盘。机柜兼容性--优化的安装布局,机柜空间利用率高。内置EMC--无须额外的空间、部件、时间或成本。传动保护--保护传动、使用无忧且质量最佳的最新解决方案。ACS150系列 功率范围为0.37-4KW,是专为机械制造行业所设计的。它可以通过可选件的优化组合最大范围的满足机械行业的要求。主要应用于风机、泵、门控、物料输送、传送带。ABB集团公司由两个百年老店即瑞典的阿西亚 (ASEA)和瑞士的布朗勃法瑞 (BBC Brown Boveri) 在1988年合并而成。ABB是全球500强企业之一,集团总部位于瑞士苏黎世。ABB(www.abb.com)是电力和自动化技术领域的领导厂商,致力于帮助电力、公共事业和工业客户提高业绩,同时降低对环境的不良影响。ABB集团公司的业务运营分布在全球100多个国家,拥有14.5万名员工。ABB与中国的合作可以追溯到105年前的1907年。当时,ABB向中国提供了一台蒸汽锅炉。1992年,ABB在厦门投资建立了第一家合资企业。1995年,ABB在华控股公司-ABB(中国)有限公司在北京正式成立。今天,ABB在中国拥有包括研发、供应链管理、工程、制造、销售和服务等全方位的业务, 1.83万名员工,36家本土企业,和遍布全国80个城市的销售与服务网络。2011年,ABB在华的销售额达51亿美元,其中85%源于本地制造。 ABB是中国客户的首选供应商。2010年,有10家ABB本土企业入选"中国电气100强"。ABB持续投资于人才吸引、人才发展和人才保持,是广受尊重的优秀雇主。提倡和推广节能降耗,创新服务,产业升级之关键。

>> 行业影响力新闻
  • 2012-12-10: ABB自动化技术为未来过程工业探寻领先之道。
  • 2012-11-27: ABB支持国家西电东送项目。
  • 2012-05-04: ABB本地生产的断路器产品在海外市场表现出色。
  • 2012-03-26: ABB荣获企业社会责任奖项。
  • 2012-02-23: ABB工厂空调通风系统半年节能降耗近40%。

>> 品牌故事

1988-ASEA and BBC merge to form the new company, with headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland. The new group, which started operations on Jan. 5, 1988, had revenues of $17 billion and employed 160,000 people around the world.

1990-ABB launches Azipod, a family of electric propulsion systems that are fixed to the outside of ships providing both thrust and stearing functions. They increase maneuverability, efficiency and the space available on board.

1998-ABB launches the FlexPicker, a delta robot uniquely designed for the picking and packing industry.

2000-ABB delivers world's first commercial high-voltage shore-to-ship electric power, helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions from ships berthed at the Swedish port of Gothenburg.

2002-ABB links the AC (alternating current) networks of South Australia and Victoria with the world's longest underground transmission, a 177 km HVDC Light cable with a capacity of 220 MW. ABB also linked Conneticut and Long Island with the world's first extruded HVDC submarine transmission, a 40 km HVDC Light cable with a power rating of 330 MW.

2004-ABB launches its Extended Automation System 800xA providing a process automation system that has since been installed at thousands of medium to large process plants in the Oil & Gas, Chemical, Pulp & Paper, Metals, Mining and Life Sciences industries delivering continuous productivity improvements.

2005-ABB delivers electricity through a DC (direct current) link originating 70 km away on land to a gas platform in the North Sea, helping avoid annual emissions of 230,000 tons of CO2 and 230 tons of NO

2008-NorNed, the longest submarine HVDC cable in the world at 580 km, links the power networks of Norway and the Netherlands with a transmission capacity of 700 MW.

2010-ABB links the Xiangjiaba hydropower plant in southwest China to Shanghai about 2,000 km (kilometers) awaywith an UHVDC (ultrahigh-voltage direct current) connection with a capacity of ±800 kV (kilovolt)and 7,200 MW (megawatt) of power.

2012-ABB successfully designs and develops a hybrid DC breaker suitable for the creation of large inter-regional DC grids. This breakthrough solves a technical challenge that has been left unresolved for over a hundred years and was perhaps one of the main influencers in the 'war of currents'.

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