隔离栅:(1)K 系列:得到广泛应用的K系列本安型隔离栅采用DIN导轨安装,灵活方便。(2)H系列:H系列的本安型安全栅采用母板安装方式。该创新产品是实现与各DCS配套或系统集成的理想产品。(3)E系列:对于机架式隔离栅,PEPPERL+FUCHS提供全线的E系列欧卡式安全栅。(4)WE 系列:WE 系列的隔离开关放大器主要 是为位于危险环境中的NAMUR型接近开关或干接点供电。齐纳栅:(1)Z 系列:Z 系列齐纳栅采用DIN 导轨安装。利用DIN导轨,无需其他接线即可实现本安接地。(2)SB 系列:SB系列包括单槽位SB端子座或多槽位端子板以及齐纳栅。SB系列产品安装在35mm DIN导轨上。 | A willingness to take entrepreneurial risks, a pioneering spirit, and a firm belief in their own inventive powers – these were the assets that Walter Pepperl and Ludwig Fuchs started out with when they opened their Mannheim radio repair shop in 1945. Their invention of the proximity switch a few years later proved their start-up business strengths. It was also the starting point in a successful history defined by close customer relationships as well as innovative automation technologies and procedures.Then as now, their focus is directed squarely on the individual requirements of each customer. Whether as a pioneer in electrical explosion protection, or as a leading innovator of highly efficient sensors, close communication with their customers is what allowed us to become the leader in automation technology. their main objective is combining state-of-the-art technologies and comprehensive services to optimize our customers' processes and applications.In 2012, 5400 employees all over the world generated a consolidated turnover of 485 Mill. for the Pepperl+Fuchs Group. 德国倍加福公司(P+F)是全球自动化行业中久负盛名的专业传感器公司。倍加福作为全球自动化领域的电子传感与零部件的生产主导者,凭借不断的创新,恒久的质量保证,稳健的发展,保证了迄今六十余年的辉煌成就。倍加福在全球范围内拥有5400名员工,位于德国,美国,新加坡,匈牙利,印度尼西亚和越南的生产基地几乎全部通过了ISO9001的质量认证。 | 丰富的产品线倍加福为工厂及过程自动化提供广泛的传感器与接口种类。高质量标准他们的自动化产品以其高品质与高可靠性享誉世界。无与伦比的服务每一件倍加福产品都免费提供专业应用分析报告和专家技术指导全球支持在6大洲上的8大主要城市设有办事处,您的任何需要我们都能现场满足。在倍加福,消除危险;确保效果;提升信心;提供专业技术;为您的成功保驾护航。 |