【ZiDongHua 之方案应用场收录关键词:中控技术 机器人 四足机器人 移动四足机器人 】
  近日,中控技术中标了恒源(马来西亚)炼油有限公司(Hengyuan Refining Company Berhad,简称“HRC”)监控系统改造项目,该项目将部署中控技术最先进的移动四足机器人设备,标志着中控技术机器人设备将首次在东南亚成功落地应用,是公司海外业务扩展和创新技术实践的重要里程碑。
  Recently, SUPCON won the bid for the surveillance system renovation project of Hengyuan Refining Company Berhad (HRC), a Malaysian oil refining company. This project will utilize the most advanced mobile quadruped robotic equipment from SUPCON, marking the first successful application of SUPCON's robotic equipment in Southeast Asia. This achievement represents a significant milestone in the company's overseas business expansion and innovative technology practices.
  HRC成立于1960年,前身为壳牌(马来西亚)炼油有限公司(Shell Refining Company (Malaysia) Berhad)。HRC于1963年开始炼油作业,最初的原油蒸馏装置每日处理量为20,000桶。通过一系列关键项目升级和扩建,炼油厂的产能已增长至每日120,000桶,确立了HRC在马来西亚国内炼油行业的领先地位,成为马来西亚第三大炼油厂。
  HRC established in 1960 and formerly known as Shell Refining Company (Malaysia) Berhad, HRC began its refining operations in 1963 with a crude distillation unit processing 20,000 barrels per day. Through key upgrades and expansions, the refinery's capacity has grown to 120,000 barrels per day, securing HRC's leading position in Malaysia's domestic refining industry and making it the third-largest refinery in Malaysia.
  HRC’s existing CCTV system faced significant challenges, including outdated and malfunctioning equipment, leading to ineffective monitoring. This situation resulted in critical production safety issues, prompting HRC’s senior management to consider a comprehensive CCTV system renovation.
  Source of the picture: official news
  After discussing with HRC and understanding their pain points, SUPCON proposed an upgrade to their CCTV system using a single quadruped robotic machine for mobile on-ground inspection purposes. The project initially covers the surveillance needs of HRC’s terminal area, with plans to extend to office and production areas upon successful implementation.
  Unified Surveillance Platform: Integration of diverse camera brands and signal types into a single platform for centralized management.
  Advanced Design Principles: Reuse of existing equipment and cables to minimize costs, clear delineation of surveillance areas based on safety requirements, and centralized network management for seamless control.
  Cutting-Edge Technology: Deployment of a flexible, mobile quadruped robot for terminal inspections reduces the need for human presence in hazardous areas and showcases the potential for future applications in factory robotics.
  Enhanced Data Management: Centralized video data management and backup through IT room deployment, ensuring data security and easy access.
  Flexible and Advanced System: The CCTV system employs a B/S architecture for easy web-based access, supporting both mobile and PC platforms, and enabling multi-user access.
  四足机器人   Quadruped Robot
  The relevant project leader stated that “SUPCON's innovative solutions have transformed our surveillance capabilities, enhancing safety and efficiency across our operations. Their expertise and technology are truly impressive.”
  This project will address the urgent monitoring needs of HRC and establish a standard for SUPCON's innovative solutions in the Southeast Asia market. It will not only enhance SUPCON's brand image in Malaysia but also lay a solid foundation for further promoting expansion and business growth in the Southeast Asia market, accelerating the empowerment of sustainable growth in the global process industry.