美国宾州州立大学的Howard M. Salis研究团队开发了自动化设计上千个非重复基因片段的技术,可用于建立稳定的遗传系统。 相关论文发表在2020年7月13日出版的《自然—生物技术》。
: Automated design of thousands of nonrepetitive parts for engineering stable genetic systems
Author: Ayaan Hossain, Eriberto Lopez, Sean M. Halper, Daniel P. Cetnar, Alexander C. Reis, Devin Strickland, Eric Klavins, Howard M. Salis
Issue&Volume: 2020-07-13
Abstract: Engineered genetic systems are prone to failure when their genetic parts contain repetitive sequences. Designing many nonrepetitive genetic parts with desired functionalities remains a difficult challenge with high computational complexity. To overcome this challenge, we developed the Nonrepetitive Parts Calculator to rapidly generate thousands of highly nonrepetitive genetic parts from specified design constraints, including promoters, ribosome-binding sites and terminators. As a demonstration, we designed and experimentally characterized 4,350 nonrepetitive bacterial promoters with tran ion rates that varied across a 820,000-fold range, and 1,722 highly nonrepetitive yeast promoters with tran ion rates that varied across a 25,000-fold range. We applied machine learning to explain how specific interactions controlled the promoters’ tran ion rates. We also show that using nonrepetitive genetic parts substantially reduces homologous recombination, resulting in greater genetic stability.