高盛集团投行部前汽车科技行业主管Fausto Monacelli 加入苇渡科技Windrose全球顾问委员会!
【ZiDongHua 之驾驶自动化收录关键词:苇渡科技 自动驾驶 电池 】
高盛集团投行部前汽车科技行业主管Fausto Monacelli 加入苇渡科技Windrose全球顾问委员会!
苇渡科技近日于美国纽约宣布,高盛集团投行部前汽车科技行业主管Fausto Monacelli(莫大力)先生正式加入苇渡科技Windrose全球顾问委员会,助力苇渡科技进一步开拓海外资本市场。

(图:苇渡科技创始人、董事长、CEO韩文和Fausto时代广场前合影 Pic: Windrose CEO Wen HAN and Fausto in front of the NYSE building)
Windrose Technology recently announced that Fausto Monacelli, former Head of AutoTech at Goldman Sachs has joined the company's global strategic advisory committee, to guide and support Windrose's global capital market strategy.
Fausto has spent the past 23 years in Goldman Sachs New York office in the investment banking department, serving global leading auto and industrial companies, with a focus on the automotive industry. He was invited by Wen Han, CEO of Windrose Technology, to make an in-depth trip to Windrose in China, to visit various departments including R&D and production as well as meeting the key supply chain partners. Speaking highly of Windrose's achievement post his visit, the ex-Goldman banker decided to join as an advisor and to contribute his expertise and industry knowledge to the long term worldwide success of Windrose Technology.
过去几个月,随着欧洲、美国当地长距离路测的相继顺利完成,苇渡科技在电动重卡出海和全球商业化取得了瞩目的成就,过程中吸引了多个跨国企业资深高管和行业领军人物加入,共同协助苇渡科技拓宽海外市场和加速商业化落地。在Fausto加入之前,苇渡科技也成功邀请Jason Roycht——前博世北美商用车负责人及美国新能源重卡新势力Nikola市场负责人,Eric Gauthier——前菲亚特克莱斯勒亚太区售后负责人以及Frederik Kinat——前3M全球高管加入苇渡科技全球团队,他们三人目前分别担任苇渡科技的战略顾问、欧洲商业化负责人和欧洲运营负责人。
Over the past few months, with the completion of the road test in Europe and U.S. Windrose Technology has made phenomenal achievements in tapping into new overseas markets and global commercialization. During the process, Windrose has attracted global talents including hires at executive level from MNCs and peers. Prior to Fausto joining, Windrose has also successfully onboarded (1) Jason Roycht, former Head of North America Commercial Vehicles at Bosch and former Head of global market development at Nikola, (2) Eric Gauthier, former APAC Head of Asia Pacific aftersales for Fiat-Chrysler as well as (3) Frederik Kinat, a former global executive from 3M. They are now respectively Strategic Advisor, Head of European Commercialization and Head of European Operations at Windrose, respectively.

Following the joining of Fausto, Windrose global advisory committee now consists of veterans from global top tier brands and shippers, logistics companies and OEMs, many of whom are also early investors of Windrose. These advisors will leverage each of their unique capabilities, network resources to together bring Windrose EV trucks to series production and delivery worldwide, from multiple angles — Technology, business development, management, brand strategies, etc.

Wen Han, founder, Chairman and CEO of Windrose Technology said: "In the current global trend of decarbonization, apart from government intervention, the key stakeholders are global brands (they are the customers of logistics companies at the same time), logistics companies, and OEMs. The advisory committee Windrose has built is to hope to learn from the best and to leverage the experience and resources to acclerate our globalization process"
关于高盛 About Goldman Sachs
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is a leading global financial institution that delivers a broad range of financial services to a large and diversified client base that includes corporations, financial institutions, governments and individuals.
关于苇渡科技 About Windrose
Windrose is the first company to be designing a ground-up clean-slate zero-emissions long-haul truck for China, the US, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, etc. The objective is to build a next-generation electric truck that is better than diesel truck in both cost and quality. Windrose was founded by Wen HAN in 2022, who is a Stanford graduate, formerly investor at Bridgewater Associates, GSR Ventures, as well as previously Chief Strategy and Financial Officer at Plus.
公司的研发团队均来自于国内外著名的重卡企业,其中具备8年以上重卡研发经验的人员比例超过80%,且目前已拥有超过240项专利。苇渡科技的投资人包括方源资本、云启资本、金沙江创投、嘉民集团Goodman Group (ASX:GMG)、合肥包河领航基金、合肥创新投、汇丰银行(LON: HSBA)等机构,且顾问委员会包括来自迪卡侬、可口可乐、星巴克、荣庆物流、Toys "R" Us Asia、J.B. Hunt、XPO、理想汽车、吉利集团、高盛集团的现任及前任高管。
Windrose team is made up of seasoned professionals from top OEMs, with 80% of its R&D team boasting at least 8 years of truck R&D experience, contributing to over 240 patents. Windrose investors include HSBC, Fountainvest, Yunqi, GSR Ventures, Goodman Group, Hefei Venture Capital, etc. Its advisory board includes current and former executives at Decathlon, Starbucks, Coca-Cola, Rokin Logistics, Toys "R" Us Asia, J.B.Hunt, XPO, Li Auto, Geely Group as well as Goldman Sachs.
产品近况 Product highlights:
苇渡科技推出的670km长续航重卡,配备了729kWh电池、800V高电压快充平台、1,040kW峰值功率,计划从2024年开始在国内、美国、欧洲、澳洲、新西兰等地区陆续推向市场。目前,苇渡科技已经与荣庆物流Rokin Logistics、嘉里物流Kerry Logistics、嘉民集团Goodman Group、南德TUV SUD、新西兰Etrucks®等开展合作。
The 670km long-haul heavy-duty trucks launched by Windrose Technology are equipped with 729kWh of battery, 800V high-voltage fast charging platform, 1,040kW of peak motor output. The Windrose EV truck focuses on key global markets such as China, the United States, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, with production starting in 2024. Today Windrose is already working with Rokin Logistics, Kerry Logistics, Goodman Group, TUV SUD as well as New Zealand based Etrucks®.