【ZiDongHua 之动感惠民生收录关键词:USCBC 中美关系 绿色低碳


7月21-23日,美中贸易全国委员会董事会代表团访华活动在USCBC董事会主席、联邦快递集团总裁兼首席执行官芮思博(Rajesh Subramaniam)的带领下进行并圆满完成。其中,USCBC董事会代表团在北京先后分别与中国贸促会会长任鸿斌、工业和信息化部副部长王江平、商务部部长王文涛、国家发展改革委员会副主任李春临举行会见。

During July 21-23, US-China Business Council (USCBC) conducted its annual board delegation trip to Beijing. The visit, led by USCBC Chairman Rajesh Subramaniam, President and CEO of FedEx Corporation, was successfully concluded. During the visit, the USCBC board delegation held meetings in Beijing with Ren Hongbin, Chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade; Wang Jiangping, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology; Wang Wentao, Minister of Commerce; and Li Chunlin, Vice Chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission.


(The following engagements are listed in chronological order)


On July 22, The USCBC board delegation met with Chairman Ren Hongbin of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in Beijing. Both sides had exchanges on topics including the updates of the 20th Central Committee's Third Plenary Session, the further development of foreign enterprises in China, and promoting pragmatic cooperation between Chinese and American business communities.


On July 23, the USCBC board delegation met with Vice Minister Wang Jiangping of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in Beijing. Both sides had an in-depth exchange of views on promoting US-China economic and trade relations and industrial cooperation.



7月23日, USCBC董事会代表团与商务部部长王文涛在京会见。双方就中美经贸关系、优化外资准入和营商环境等美国企业在华发展的具体关切交换了意见。

On July 23, the USCBC board delegation met with Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao in Beijing. They discussed US-China economic and trade relations, improving foreign investment access, and specific concerns of American enterprises regarding the business environment in China.



On July 23, the USCBC board delegation met with Vice Chairman Li Chunlin of National Development and Reform Commission in Beijing. Both sides discussed China economy and Chinese policies to further open up. The meeting also featured exchanges on US-China cooperation in areas including decarbonization, healthcare and aviation.





<p style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; outline: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; overflow-wrap: break-word !important; clear: both; min-height: 1em; font-family: " pingfang="" sc",="" system-ui,="" -apple-system,="" blinkmacsystemfont,="" "helvetica="" neue",="" "hiragino="" sans="" gb",="" "microsoft="" yahei="" ui",="" yahei",="" arial,="" sans-serif;="" font-style:="" normal;="" font-variant-ligatures:="" font-variant-caps:="" font-weight:="" 400;="" letter-spacing:="" 0.544px;="" orphans:="" 2;="" text-align:="" justify;="" text-indent:="" 0px;="" text-transform:="" none;="" widows:="" word-spacing:="" -webkit-text-stroke-width:="" white-space:="" background-color:="" rgb(255,="" 255,="" 255);="" text-decoration-thickness:="" initial;="" text-decoration-style:="" text-decoration-color:="" caret-color:="" rgba(0,="" 0,="" 0);="" color:="" rgb(0,="" font-size:="" 16px;"="">美中贸易全国委员会的使命是扩大中美商务联系,为在华的美资企业提供服务,帮助其发展在华业务。长期以来,美中贸易全国委员会接待了中美两国政府诸多高级官员,同时也在美国和中国多次成功举办会员企业与两国政要的会晤。