置顶 【霍金:我和尤里·米尔纳启动“突破摄星”计划,扎克伯格也】加入了该计划的董事会,为“突破摄星”助一臂之力。在一代人的时间内,“突破摄星”旨在研发出一台“纳米飞行器” —— 一台质量为克级的自动化太空探测器—— 并且通过光束把它推动到五分之一的光速。#航业聚焦# #机器人自动化#
背景信息:@史蒂芬霍金_StephenHawkingGreetings to everybody in China from NYC. At the One World Observatory in New York City, Yuri Milner and I launched a mission to the stars. Mark Zuckerberg lent his support by joining the board of our new initiative, Breakthrough Starshot.Within the next generation, Breakthroug...展开全文c
背景信息:@史蒂芬霍金_StephenHawkingGreetings to everybody in China from NYC. At the One World Observatory in New York City, Yuri Milner and I launched a mission to the stars. Mark Zuckerberg lent his support by joining the board of our new initiative, Breakthrough Starshot.Within the next generation, Breakthroug...展开全文c